Torneo Sociale U16
Sorted by Rating
Sorted by Name
Cross table by ID
Cross table by score
Pairing of round 6
Bo.FedWhite Player PtsIDWResultIDBPtsBlack PlayerFed
1 Russo Leonardo (5.0)1 1 - 08(1.0) Fabbrucci Emma
2 Manfucci Giacomo (3.0)4 0 - 12(3.5) Mendoza Diego
3 Caselli Giacomo (2.5)10 1 - 05(3.0) Luciani Simone
4 Luciani Luca (2.0)9 0 - 13(3.0) Fabbrucci Gabriele
5 Ragazzini Alessandro (2.0)6 1F-0F0(0.0) BYE

The following players are absent:

7 Passarini Andrea

Generated by Vega
(Arbiter/Club : unregistered)